Would you like a workshop at your next meeting or club?
Crafting can be both fun and therapeutic; the Butterfly Loom only requires wrapping and knotting to create squares or rectangles that can then be slip stitched or crocheted together to make beautiful blankets, scarves and accessories.
There is no need to keep count of stitches or rows making this an ideal craft for all!
To enquire about a workshop please click here
Workshop/demonstration Terms & Conditions
The demonstration lasts for 1 hour and is an overview of how to use the Butterfly Loom. A 4 hour workshop and a 11/2 hour workshop are available and workshops can be easily tailored to your timescale.
Participants will learn how to make a number of motifs, which are the basis for a number of easy to complete projects. During the demonstration examples of each stage will be passed amongst the audience
As a guideline, the demonstration is planned as follows:
1 to 15 minutes - Introduction and what is the Butterfly Loom
15 – 20 minutes - Wrapping
20 – 35 minutes - Knotting
35 – 45 minutes - Joining & edging
45 minutes to end - Daisy pattern and pom-poms.
Full details of the demonstration/workshop will be available at time of booking, dependent on the length of workshop you require.
Class Sizes
Ideal size is 5-10 people for a workshop and up to 20 for a demonstration.
Demonstrations are free of charge with a minimum purchase.
Minimum Purchase
Commit to a minimum of 2 looms (with at least 1 from group A) to have a free demonstration at your meeting.
If no looms are purchased an equivalent payment of £29.00 will be due.
Further sales
The opportunity to sell looms & kits must be available, with no obligation to purchase further.
Mileage will be charged at a standard rate of £25.00 for venues outside a 50 mile radius of Swindon, Wiltshire.
Group A
Large Loom £30.00
Magic Loom £20.00
Group B
Small Loom £15.00
Medium Loom £17.00